The Disneyana Fan Club is the longest running, largest non-profit fan club which is dedicated to preserving and honoring the legacy of Walt Disney and the creativity and imagination of Walt and all the men and women that created the Disney magic. The DFC is also run by an all-volunteer group, including its National Board of Directors.
Every two years, as required by the By-Laws of the Disneyana Fan Club, a nominating Committee is appointed to assemble a slate of Board of Directors for the upcoming term of office. This year, the committee members are Daron Sorg, Ted Bradpiece, Chris Demmitt, Melissa Smith. The Nominating Committee has been extremely fortunate to be able to draw on quite a range of talent for the nominees of the upcoming 2-year term of office for the Disneyana Fan Club Board of Directors.
The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following slate to serve as the Disneyana Fan Club Board of Directors for the 2023 – 2025 term of office:
President Nicolasa Nevarez
Vice President of Finance Christine Demmitt
Vice President of Media Relations & Communications Teri Jo Countryman
Vice President of Chapters Stephanie Fields
Vice President of Membership Laurie Smith
Secretary Melissa Smith
Editor in Chief Eric Yokoyama
Webmaster Theo Fukushima
Special Events Coordinator Vacant
Charities Chair Linda Rolls
Legends Chair Paul Schnebelen
Director at Large Louis Boish
Director at Large Ted Bradpiece
Director at Large Jeannie Evans
Should a member, not appearing on this slate, wish to become a candidate he or she shall submit a petition of nomination to the Nominating Committee. The petition must be signed by twenty (20) current members, or one percent (1%) of the current membership of the Disneyana Fan Club, whichever is greater. The 1% of the Clubs present membership is less than 20; so 20 current members of the Disneyana Fan Club must sign the petition. The petition must be mailed to the Nominating Committee at Post Office Box 19212, Irvine, California 92623-9212, and be received no later than July 8, 2023.
If no valid petitions are received, the proposed slate shall be considered ratified. If a valid petition is received, the Board will hold an election to determine the winner of a contested office. Such an election, if necessary, shall take place on August 8, 2023, with ballots to members by July 24, 2023. All ballots must be returned by August 24, 2023 to be valid and counted. The new Board of Directors will be installed at the Annual Business Meeting of the Disneyana Fan Club in October 2023.
The above guidelines are set forth in the By-Laws of the Disneyana Fan Club. If you have any questions regarding the election process, please contact the Nominating Committee Chairperson, Daron Sorg at nominations@
Respectfully Submitted, Daron Sorg
Below are the descriptions of each of the Board positions:
Vice President of Finance (VPF) – shall act as Treasurer and manage all financial matters of the Club. The VPF shall collect and have custody of all funds of the Club and shall deposit the same in accounts designated by the Board. The VPF shall submit a brief account of all receipts and expenditures at all regular meetings.
Vice President of Chapters (VPC) – shall coordinate the formation of new chapters, and shall promote the continued growth of existing chapters. The VPC shall bring related matters before the Board. The VPC shall prepare an annual chapter development report.
Vice President of Communications (VPComm) – In coordination with the Communications Committee, shall create a marketing and PR plan that includes management, creation and deployment of website, email social media content, building media and partner relationships to grow membership and event presence, and generate publicity through earned media. Grow website traffic with SEO/SEM tactics and analyzing campaign efforts.
Vice President of Membership (VPM) – shall manage all membership activities. The VPM shall keep records of the membership. The VPM shall develop membership materials. The VPM shall prepare an annual membership report.
Secretary – shall process all correspondence received by The Club, and shall record the minutes of all meetings, whether held in person or by electronic means. The Secretary shall serve as Sergeant-at-Arms for all meetings.
Editor-in-Chief (EIC)– shall resource or create all copy/design content, manage distribution list, work with print vendor to print and mail newsletter 4-6 times a year.
Webmaster – shall maintain the website and provide technical support, including the substantive organization and content of the website, assisting the VPMRC and other officers and Board members in timely posting information, documents, links, and other items for both the public and members/chapters.
Special Events Coordinator (SEC) – shall create a budget for and otherwise supervise all event activities.
Legends Chair – shall chair the Legacy Committee, appoint an assistant chair, and report to the Board on a regular basis.
Charities Chair – shall chair the Charities Committee and shall provide an annual report to the Board.
3 Directors-at-Large – shall serve in the capacity to help other Board members as needed.